Scott Wetmore
Vendor Coordinatorcyphacon.vendor@gmail.com
A displaced Yankee from Pennsylvania, he has been living in West Central Louisiana since retiring from the military back in 2005. He has always been an active participant of CYPHACON since the year of its inception.
Always being a nerd before that was a word he grew up on Sci-Fi, Gaming since the days of Pong. He has experiencing pop-cultures from around the world and attended numerous conventions. After taking over the Vendor department, Scott has transformed the process and has made it his goal to make our vendor arena one of the best in Louisiana. Additionally Scott holds his position among our CYPHA LLC board members with pride.
His hobbies include gaming, watching movies, hiking, kayaking, fishing, and hunting to name a few. In general, he enjoys relaxing up at his camp while drinking beer and spending time with close friends and family.