Garrett Manuel
Events Directorcyphaconguest@gmail.com
Born and raised here in Lake Charles; he graduated from Sowela in 04’ with an associate’s degree in Commercial Art. His love for all things Science Fiction drew him into the world of fan conventions at an early age. Currently, he has nearly 15+ years of experience working in Guest Relations and is currently Guest Relations Director for CYPHACON. He is currently working as an IT Systems Specialist here in Lake Charles. In addition to the many hats, he wears; Garrett is also one of the founding members and XO of the USS Lafitte and one of 6 council Members of the Calcasieu Area Trekkers Society (C.A.T.S.) and has been an active member since 1993.
Among the many organizations, he works with he typically stays extremely busy. He is serving as Vice President of CYPHA LLC our parent company and is also a member of the 13th Fleet – Battlestar Galactica Fan Group, The Rebel Legion, and the Louisiana Ghostbusters.
Over the years he has expanded his myriad list of hobbies including, Photography, model building, prop making, automobile detailing, planning events, and CYPHACON in general. In addition to being an avid costumer, his collection contains nearly 10 different costumes ranging from Battlestar Galactica, Harry Potter to Star Trek and growing. Always ready for a quick trip away for the weekend to either Houston or New Orleans when he has the chance.
But the one thing that he looks forward to most every year is one-word conventions; especially his favorite fan-run event DragonCon held in Atlanta Georgia annually for his week-long vacation. Along with CYPHACON he enjoys traveling to other nearby regional conventions, big and small. One thing he loves is meeting new people and sharing his geeky hobbies and discussions with others. One last fun fact he has attended as of now 100+ conventions and counting in over 29 years.
With all of this CYPHACON would not be here without his unwavering support and dedication throughout the years. He is one of the original founding members of our event which began its journey in 2010. And if that wasn’t enough you might not recognize him from his work, but he has been our social media admin, website designer/administrator, lead graphic designer, marketing & promotions, and second in charge since our start in 2010 which he still continues to this day!
For 2024 he is making a big change after many years of handling guests and is branching out and shifting to his new position as our events director. His new position focuses on offsite/onsite events such as our famous Halloween and CYPHACON pub crawls, concerts, convention appearances and special CYPHACON events. So, if you run into him at CYPHACON just say hello!