The Suzaku 7

Suzaku 7 formed in 2011 as a Japanese anime cover band.  Over the years their catalog has grown to embrace everyone’s favorite fandoms: anime, J-rock, video games, Harry Potter, Saturday morning cartoons and many more.
When not rocking conventions and nerdy events around the Gulf Coast, the S7 can be found defending the planet under the alias Suzaku Squadron.  Following the success of their 2021 original multimedia project Operation Animeteor, the S7 are back in the studio working on their next top-secret project.
The S7 celebrated their 11th CYPHACON in 2024 and love rocking the CYPHACON stage and catching up with the CYPHACON community every year.  At CYPHACON 2025, the S7 will debut songs from their next original album and reveal their next mysterious adventure.  You won’t want to miss their big show on Saturday night!